Scholarship Criteria:
The Larry Keller – Eva McCowen Medical Scholarship Fund was established from a bequest from Eva McCowen Keller‘s estate.
Keller’s parents were Edward Oscar McCowen and Clara Edith Smith McCowen. Keller was one of six children. She and all of her siblings followed in the father’s steps and chose the field of education as their occupation.
Edward started the first “Normal School” in Scioto County in order to train teachers. He believed in educating his daughters as well as his sons.
Keller then attended Miami University in Oxford. Eva was next to the oldest in her family; however, she outlived all of her siblings. She was 95 at her death. She lived alone and maintained her own affairs until five months before her death. She was intelligent and followed the news and world events and could discuss politics and history after turning 95. Eva was a 63-year member of the DAR.