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Bobby J. Burns Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Criteria: 

  • Graduating senior of a Scioto County, Ohio High School unless the scholarship is renewed

  • Enrolled at Shawnee State University

  • Child of an employee of the City of Portsmouth.

  • Active in the community

  • Must attend an accredited college or unversity

May be renewed for three additional years if recipient maintains a 2.0 GPA.

UPPER CLASSMAN can only apply if a renewal

Proceeds of the City of Portsmouth's Employee Recognition Dinner held January 18, 2003, Established this fund honoring Bobby J. Burns. The dinner was sponsored by Tri-State Coca-Cola Bottling Company and numerous local businesses. Officials from the City chose to honor the memory of Burns through this scholarship.

"During the final stages of the development of this scholarship, we lost a good friend -- Bob Burns. Sometime during the days that followed, we were struck with the notion of what better way to say thank you to Bob than to name this scholarship after him. Through this award it is our hope Bob's life and good work will continue for many years to come," said Mayor Greg Bauer. 

The scholarship will assist a graduating senior who plans to attend Shawnee State University and is a child of a City of Portsmouth employee. The recipient must be active in the community. This scholarship is renewable for three years provided the recipient maintains a 2.0 GPA. The first recipient will be chosen Spring 2004. 

Bobby J. Burns was born in Huntington, WV., in 1959. He was the son of Polly Faye Maynard Burns and the late Paul Burns. He is survived by his wife of 25 years, Michele Wylie Burns and children, Leah Burns, Micah Burns and John Burns.

Burns was a 1977 graduate of Chesapeake HS and a 1995 graduate of the Scioto County Joint Vocational School where he received his Licensed Practical Nursing degree. He worked during some of his off-hours from the city as an LPN, his last being in the Emergency Department of the Adams County Hospital.

"Often when asked by others what type of work he did, Burns would always reply by saying he was public servant, which is exactly how he saw himself. He lived to help others, young and old. As he puts it, the young ones, 'they just need someone to really listen to them and he would just be there for them and the elderly. He would always feel the seniors would so graciously extend their arms and welcome him into their family. He believed that his job gave him the opportunity to help," remembers his wife, Michele. 

"Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday. He always said he had a lot to be thankful for because it seemed he was always getting a lot more than he gave. Nothing could shine his name brighter than a scholarship for children, and we, the Burns family, thank all of those involved in helping a true loving man's name live on," expressed Michele.